Thursday, January 20, 2011

The Best Potato Salad

This Recipe is my Late sister Louise's Potato Salad. It is the best and although it doesn't ever turn out just like hers....I love it and it is the standard by which all others are judged! Yes, I know that it is January...but She was a great Cook so I thought it fitting to start this blog with one of her recipes. So from Momma Weez ...Enjoy!

8-10 Peeled Medium Potatoes (Cook just until Fork goes through) - Let Cool
8-10 Hard Boiled Egg
1 Finely Chopped Onion
Salt and Pepper to Taste
2 Tablespoons Sugar
3 Teaspoons Mustard
1-2 Cups Salad Dressing (More or Less Depending on Desired Creaminess)

Store in Air tight Container and Refrigerate.
*Always better the second day after flavors have been given time to marinate!

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