Friday, August 5, 2011

Cheaters Banana Pudding

If you live in the South, well you don't have to be told what banana pudding is...and well every Grannies got their own and it has been my experience that you don't mess with someones banana puddin. So, to keep the peace I decided that since I didn't have any way to compete with this legacy of making the puddin...I would just cheat, yep...I'm a cheater! (Ladies and Gentleman.. you heard it from my own mouth). Really the Banana Pudding that you spend hours and hours don't really taste the much better. (in my professional opinion - ok so maybe it does a little, but not for the time you have in it). So here is my CHEATIN Secret recipe!

Banana Pudding

1 Box Vanilla Wafers -(buy the good kind...Walmart will not due)
1 Box Family Size Vanilla Pudding - prepared by box directions
1 Large Tub Whipped Cream
5-6 Bananas

In a large Pretty bowl layer cookies on bottom and all the way up the sides if you can get them to. Cover with pudding, banana's and whipped cream in thin layers! Start second layer of cookies, pudding, banana's and whipped cream and repeat until all is gone reserving extra whipped topping for the top of the bowl. Sprinkle with cookie crumbs and chill for 1 hour before eating. YUMMMM!

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