Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Canned Apple Pie Filling

Inspired, by my sister Priscilla and my friend Heidi I decided that I was going to throw my hand at canning Apple Pie Filling.  For several years now I have gotten a jar or two from them, but this year I discovered this little mom and pa's apple orchard just a few miles away. I was like a kid in a candy store! Unable to decide which of kind of these beauties to pick, I came home with no less that a 1/2 a bushel of 3 different kinds. Each have been so good that I have just about made myself sick eating them. My kids are now on about 3 apples a day..as the saying goes...that should mean the Doctor should be miles and miles from my house! =)

Canned Apple Pie Filling

4 1/2 Cups Sugar
1 Cup Cornstarch
2 Tsp. Cinnamon
1/4 Tsp. Nutmeg
10 Cups Water
2 T. Lemon Juice

To make the job of peeling and coring the apples I would suggest that you invest in a fantastic little mechanism that does it for you...all except the power. (See Picture) I found mine at a little hardware store in the canning section covered in Dust. Cost was about $25 dollars. (It can be used for apples, pears, and any other hard skin cover fruit that is circular).

Peel, Core and Slice apples and place in a weak solution of water and lemon juice to keep them from turning brown while you work with the rest of the recipe. In a large Kettle or sauce pan mix all dry ingredients and pour water over the top, mixing well. Place over medium heat until thick and bowling. Remove from heat and set aside. In clean, sterile jars layer apple slices and pack in jars tightly. Pour the Syrup over the top and make sure to release any air bubbles that may keep the syrup from coating and filling all the empty places in the jar. Also, it is vital that you do not over fill the jars. After filling the jars and placing the lids, process in a hot water bath for 20 min. after rolling boil has been achieved. When 20 minutes are done, remove jars and let cool on a towel on the counter. If they look like they are not going to seal after 1 hr. or so flip upside down for five minutes. Do not forget to flip them back up or they will not seal for you at all! GOOD LUCK! Enjoy!

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