Friday, September 13, 2013

Caramel Apples

Autumn, Yes! You have finally arrived. As much as I love spring... Fall is just the best time of the year. I love all the decorating, the smells, the crisp feeling in the air, the fresh apples and of course....CARAMEL!!! Just making Caramel apples makes your heart happy. ♥

Caramel Apples

8-10 Large Apples or 18 Small Apples
1 Cup Butter - Melted
1 Cup Light Karo Syrup
2 Cups Brown Sugar
1 Can Sweetened Condensed Milk
1Tsp. Vanilla
Chocolate for Drizzling

Wash and Dry Apples and insert Popsicle sticks. Set Aside. In a heavy bottom non-stick pan position candy thermometer on the side of your pan. Combine Butter, Syrup, Brown Sugar and S&C Milk. Stirring Constantly! (This mixture will scorch very easily.) Bring mixture up to 245 Degrees on your candy Thermometer. Remove pan from heat and add vanilla. (I don't use all that they call for.) Stir for a few more minutes until the mixture starts to cool off and is a little under 200 degrees. Dip waiting apples into mixture and  and let Caramel drip off. With your spoon clean off bottom so there is less to pool around the bottom. Set of VERY well buttered tin foil. Let Dry! Do not try to dip again before they are cool. The caramel will just run off.  After they are cooled and a little dry to the touch you can dip in chocolate or drizzle. Feel free to dip in nuts or candies to make them more festive. The more the toppings the more gourmet they will look.  These were made for school and so they are a little on the generic side. ENJOY!

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