Friday, June 17, 2011

Duck Blind Tators

There just isn't anything  quite like a pile of Duck Blind Tators on a cold night or as a side to the perfect hamburger. As you may already know I love me some tators and so this is the perfect side for me. My husband grew up eating these prepared in his Duck Blind at Reelfoot Lake, in Tennessee. If the ducks were not coming can always eat some good home cooking and warm the belly. Myself, I grew up on the much plainer version of this, but have grew to love these just as much or more than the simple ones of my childhood. You should know that just making a few of these will never do...make a double batch!

Duck Blind Tators

Start With:

5-6 Med. White Potatoes (Washed and Sliced)
1 Large Onion (Sliced)
Salt - to taste
Pepper - to taste
Lawreys Seasoning Salt....To taste as well!

In a heavy skillet poor 4 Tablespoons of oil in bottom of pan and allow to get hot. When Oil is at the smoking stage add Potatoes, Onions and fry on med. heat. DO NOT COVER! Toss gently to keep from sticking and add seasonings to taste. Approx 1 Tbs. of Lawreys. Continue to cook until onions are clear and caramelized, and potatoes are browned and a little crunchy. In a Large Bowl line with several layers of paper towel and spoon potatoes into and allow to drain a few minutes before serving. ENJOY!

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